hi, my name is Tim Hanke and I'm a full stack developer

Tim Hanke smiling in a grey suit jacket and blue shirt

About Me

I'm looking to join a team of great programmers who are as passionate about making an impact as I am. Let's get going and create the future!

I'm experienced with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, React, Node.js, and PostgreSQL. I use those tools to hopefully create moments of delight.

Apart from code, I like to travel off the beaten path, write, create inside jokes with friends, and play games (some with rules only I know).


Marker Monkey

screenshot of Marker Monkey

Let the Monkey remember it for you!

A place to store all the things you just don't have time to read now.

Users bookmark articles and websites which are stored with rich metadata and presented in a clean, visually appealing interface.

Made With: React, Node.js, Express, PostgreSQL

Live app | Client Repo | Server Repo


screenshot of Quotazo

Quotazo generates high-quality, meme-like "quotazos" by pairing a famous, inspirational and/or amusing quote with a related image.

The user can then download the image, share a link via email, Facebook or LinkedIn, or get a pre-made Instagram style caption.

Made With: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery

Live app | Repo